Spa Day In-Kind Donation Form
Please indicate if you are donating a Raffle item or items for our Caregiver Swag Bags. Please note that Hearts of Patriots asks for a minimum in-kind donation of $25 retail value. We cannot accept second-hand or otherwise used items. All donations should be new, in good condition and in proper working order. Each Caregiver will receive a Swag Bag. Swag Bag items are a great way to promote your business. These might include branded items such as pens and discounts on your product or services. Small items might be a sample of nail polish or make-up product. (We will be providing Swag Bags to 33 Caregivers.)
*Please email [email protected] to arrange for pick up of your items.
*Please email [email protected] to arrange for pick up of your items.
Make your In-Kind Donation today
To donate a riffle item or items for Swag Bags, please complete the online form below or download the donation form and email to [email protected]. In order to ensure your item is listed accurately and included on all printed materials for the Spa Day, all items must be received by September 4th, 2017.
To donate a riffle item or items for Swag Bags, please complete the online form below or download the donation form and email to [email protected]. In order to ensure your item is listed accurately and included on all printed materials for the Spa Day, all items must be received by September 4th, 2017.